Dental implants do more than just improve your appearance, as they restore normal function for a permanent solution to lost or damaged teeth
My Midland Dentist's affordable dental implants to Perth dwellers; the artificial teeth secured in the jaw, to replace a single missing tooth, badly damaged teeth or unsightly teeth. As a more comfortable and attractive alternative to dentures, this method is considered to be the best tooth replacement option available.
My Midland Dentist is the go-to place for affordable dental implants in Perth. Implants are artificial teeth secured in the jaw to replace a single missing tooth, badly damaged teeth or unsightly teeth. As a more comfortable and attractive alternative to dentures, this method is considered to be the best tooth replacement option available.
Cosmetic dental implants involve removing the teeth and fitting a crown that mimics the natural colouring of the mouth and teeth. The implant enables patients to chew in a more natural way compared to dentures and other teeth restoration options. Implants also provide an efficient method of securing and supporting teeth to make them stronger for years to come. As a day surgery procedure, this method is done in stages for the best results. Our resident dentist Dr. Adam Brewer has been providing affordable dental implants in Perth for over 15 years, utilising quality suppliers for the best results.
Recognised Dental Implant Provider
My Midland Dentist is one of the few clinics that can surgically place dental implants in Perth as an HBF provider. This ensures significant cost savings for clients, as some implants can be completed at 20% of the regular fee.
My Midland Dentists offers a range of dental implant options. The professional team can place:
Dental implants are custom-made to suit any size or shape mouth. Once the initial implant is placed there are no needles or drills. From the time of placement it takes between 2-3 months for integration before the tooth or teeth can be placed; this is the same for every patient.